Effectual consideration while choosing android pie than Oreo

G Kapildev
5 min readSep 11, 2019

Among all the smartphone operating systems, Android shares 85% of the global mobile phone operating system market.

More than 75% of smartphone users are using android mobile phones and native android app development are dependent on these OS.

Android Oreo vs. Android pie: which one is better?

Android Oreo introduced back in 2017 is packed with astonishing features that are well appreciated by the consumers.

But ever since the release of Android pie in august 2018, it became the center of discussion all the world due to its attention-grabbing features and easy to use the operating system.

Android pie comes with more colors, well upgraded drop-down bar with rounded icons which are not just a white slide covering the screen anymore.

Moreover, there are tons of cool new features introduced in Android pie which makes it the best option to choose without a question.

Android pie: why is it better?

Unlike others, Android never fails to impress its customers with their updates. They play fair when it comes to fulfilling their requirements.

With the latest update being Android pie, they introduced so many cool features to make smartphone usage easier.

Let’s discuss some of the upgrades that are offered by android pie.

Notification bar

The notification bar is not a simple blank screen covering all over the screen anymore. Android pie adds more stylish colors and rounded icons to suit the skins of Samsung, Huawei and One plus users.

Improved brightness

Android pie offers more advanced brightness technology than its previous version. Android pie can monitor and adapt according to user habits, which is more user-friendly than Oreo.

Previous versions of android were able to adapt its brightness only according to the available light in the surrounding area.

Easy to get screenshots

People are tired of using two or more key combinations to capture screenshots. Some of the older versions didn’t even have any key combinations for capturing screenshots.

Android pie introduces one key screenshot technology. You just have to long-press the power button to capture a screenshot and that’s all!

Text magnification

Similar to iOS/iPhone, android pie introduces touch and drag to magnify a certain phrase to read it clearly.

Enhanced night mode

Android Oreo already offers night mode with some restrictions. But with Pie, you have more options to customize the night mode according to your time schedules.

Added features

Settings menu

New and more colorful settings menu with more designs are optimized and change in the design of the drop-down icon is processed too

Volume control

Android pie offers more to the volume control buttons than its previous version. Now we can long-press the volume keys to switch between normal mode, silent mode and vibration mode. And also, we can assign more functionality to the buttons in the settings menu.

Better battery management

Battery problems being the main concern of most of the mobile phone users nowadays, Android is focusing on battery issues with more care to satisfy their users.

Android pie introduces the new ‘Adaptive battery mode’ which enhances the overall operating system visibility to the user. It helps the user to monitor the usage more carefully to maintain steady usage.

Better navigation

Android pie offers better navigation with its new interface which has three soft buttons at the bottom of the screen to navigate quickly. Pressing the center button will take you back to the home screen in one click.

In the other two buttons, one being the back navigation button and other takes you to the recent apps screen.

Android pie also offers a stock Android-like experience better than all the previous versions, which makes it easy to use.

Switching between apps

In android pie, the recent apps tab is designed more like iOS.

In Android Oreo, it was designed like a stack of three-dimensional cards sitting on top of each other. But in Android pie, it looks more like the recent apps tab in the Apple phones to make it more user-friendly. In Pie, all the recent tabs sit next to each other which make it easy for us to navigate between apps.

The design is also enhanced with much better graphics rather than looking plain like the older versions.

App usage limits

Android pie lets users customize the amount of time to let an app run in the background. You can set the time for a certain app to stop running. This feature helps us to save ourselves from the internet and game addictions.

Android Pie vs. Android Oreo: Securing your personal information

One of the most raising concerns of smartphone users is security issues. Android pie comes with better solutions to solve your privacy concerns.

With all the advancements in technologies, privacy becomes the most important concern for us and android comes up with better solutions that restrict your mic and camera usage when not under usage.

We can now be sure that no apps are listening to you when you are not using it. This feature only enables the mic and camera only when its own use with your permission

Summing up!!

In this article, we completely discussed all the advantages and newly added features that Android pie has over android Oreo.

With improved security, better navigation, adaptive brightness, advanced graphics and lots of cool updates which come with cost-effective android phones, it comes with almost the same price tag as the previous version. Android pie stands tall over Android Oreo in all aspects making it the better option for all the android us.

